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Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Press (CCDP) is an open access journal, aims to publish original articles in the dynamic emerging field of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease. The mission of the Journal is to be committed to publish quality research work to create an impact in the huge field of Cardio. Also aims to serve as a platform for exchange of immense “Cardio” knowledge wealth in the field of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease.
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Press (CCDP) (Research Connect Press) follows the Creative Commons Attribution License and Scholars Open Access publishing policies. The “Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Press ”is processing of manuscript with the help of Editorial board members of the journal or outside experts review manuscripts; at least two independent reviewers approval followed by the editor is required for the acceptance and publication of any citable manuscript.
Submit manuscript through the online submission portal or directly to our editor [email protected] and acknowledgement will be sent to the registered mail ID or the corresponding author mail ID within 24 hrs.
Article Processing Charge:
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Press (Research connect press) is an open access Journal, self-supporting press. Press is not getting any funding from university or government to maintain the Journal. Hence journal is completely depends on article processing charge received from the authors and some other funding society or academic sponsor or corporate sponsors. Author is requested to pay the publication charges (1819 Euros) after the acceptance of manuscript.
Article Partial processing charge is also applicable to withdraw or retract the manuscript.
Article Formatting and Guidelines:
For the fast processing of manuscript author should check the format of Research connect Press guidelines. Research connect Press is accepting all kind of manuscript including original articles, reviews, abstracts, addendums, announcements, article-commentaries, book reviews, rapid communications, letters to the editor, annual meeting abstracts, conference proceedings, calendars, case-reports, corrections, discussions, meeting-reports, news, obituaries, orations, product reviews, hypotheses and analyses, opinion article, editorial, mini review, perspective
Cover letter: The word limit for the cover letter should be 500 words or less and it briefly stating about the overview or significance of work, agreement of author for the processing or publication of manuscript,number of tables and figures , supporting information.
Authors are also requested to include corresponding author and co-author name, affiliation, e-mail ID, Tel/Mobile and Fax details.
Plagiarized report: Author should check the plagiarized report from their university and attach with the submission file.
Manuscript Title: Title should be phrase of manuscript and it should not more than 30 words.
Order of Author: Author should add all co-authors and corresponding author details including Name, affiliation, e-mail address, Mobile or Tel No and FAX details.
Abstract: Not more than 300 words briefly specifying the aims of the work, the main results obtained, and the conclusions drawn. Citations must not be included in the Abstract.
Keywords: Up to 6 keywords (in alphabetical order) which will enable subsequent abstracting or information retrieval systems to locate the paper.
Text: For more clarification, It is subdivided into
Introduction: Background and aim of the work.
Method and Materials: A brief description of the methods/techniques used (the principles of these methods should not be described if readers can be directed to easily accessible references or standard texts).
Results & Discussion: A clear presentation of experimental results obtained, highlighting any trends or points of interest.
Conclusions: A brief explanation of the significance and implications of the work reported.
Acknowledgement & Funding support: Author should clearly mentioned about its funding support.
Note: If you are unable to send your manuscript as per given guidelines, kindly submit your manuscript with Title, Heading and sub headings.
References: Author Name (Year) Title. Publisher Volume: Page Number
Tables and Legends: These should be used at a minimum and designed as simple as possible.
Figures and Legends: The preferred file formats for photographic images are .doc, TIFF and JPEG and it should be should be typed in numerical order on a separate sheet.
Supplementary Information: Appendices and other Supplementary Material are permitted, and will be published online only.
Proofs and Reprints: Proofs will be sent by e-mail to the listed corresponding author. Any corrections must be returned within one week of receipt and should only cover typesetting errors. All corrections must be returned to us in one communication. Proofreading is the sole responsibility of the authors.
Author will be sole responsibility for any scientific misconduct including plagiarism in their research articles. Publisher is not responsible for any scientific misconduct in any published research article. Research connect Press will strictly adhere to scientific guidelines and EIC’s advice to retract or erratum of any article at any time if found scientific misconduct or errors in any articles.