New Hypothesis of Cleaning of Coronavirus Nanoparticle Spikes

*Correspondence to: Antonino Messina, General and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Turin, Italy, E-mail: [email protected]
Received: June 25, 2020; Accepted: July 24, 2020; Published: July 28, 2020
Citation: Messina A (2020) New Hypothesis of Cleaning of Coronavirus Nanoparticle Spikes. J Nanomed Nanotech Nanomat. 1: 103.
Copyright: ©2020 Messina A, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Purpose: The aim of this study is to gain insight into the way the Covid-19 works on the alveolar surface and the hypotesis of cleaning of the virus spike particles by means of CNT is suggested to obtain a real specific vaccine.
Introduction: Few people have so far considered the anatomical extension of the interstitial pulmonary surface to which virus attaches and expands together with the great quantity of virus nanoparticles that could act on the alveolar site of the lung. We have focused our research also on a mathematical estimation of how the infinitesimally small and hardy nanoparticles in Covid-19 act. We think in addition, that the nanoparticle spikes of the Covid-19 surface may also interface through its electro-chemical properties to peripheral nerve axons promoting electrical migration on nerve cells of the lung through the Vagus nerve and Sympathetic System. This mechanism involves many different organic molecules of the interstitial alveolar surface and consequent inflammatory response, cell adhesions and microvascular thrombosis.
Materials: A mathematical estimation for covering almost half of the human lung surface by Covid-19 could be some thousands of million billions of virus particles; breathing involves 28.800 breaths a day. In addiction we think that the Covid-19 particle could be like the CNT particle, able to attack and promote cellular and molecular interaction inside the lung’s nervous system. This action, starting from the olfactory and taste nerves could interface through electro-chemical properties with different organic molecules, promoting cellular migration on nerve cells of the lung through the vagus nerve neurons and sympathetic system, producing additional pulmonary palsy and death. Due to the strong electrical activity of CNT particles , we suppose and believe that it is possible to clean the Covid-19 particle spikes of Corona virus in laboratories (white chamber) in order to render it harmless, and obtain a specific vaccine.
Conclusion: We hope these pulmonary anatomo-pathological data together with the mathematical evaluations of Coronavirus nano-particles could give better possibility of studying the virus activity on our body. The new views into the inside mechanism, evidenced by the possibility of electrical molecular interaction of CNTs with different molecular particles of Covid-19 could stimulate further studies in laboratories to obtain a specific vaccine and to prevent other pandemic diseases.
Keywords: Covid-19; CNTs; Neuro-mechanism; Contagion; Spike mechanism